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The Mission of the Marimor Legacy Foundation is to enhance the quality of life for persons with developmental disabilities in Allen County by raising funds for special projects and initiatives not covered by tax dollars.  


The Marimor Legacy Foundation, along with the Allen County Board of Developmental Disabilities and numerous other partners, built two beautiful All Ability playgrounds and an accessible restroom at one of the playgrounds. The first playground is located at Camp Robin Rogers, 1090 S. Conant Road, in Spencerville and includes the new restroom. The second playground is at the Marimor Legacy Park at 2550 Ada Road in Lima. This is a community playground; however, it is also open to the Allen County Educational Service Center’s preschool and school age classrooms during the school year. The Marimor Legacy Park is connected to the Ottawa Metro Park as part of the Allen County park system. The combined cost of these projects totaled $1.55 million.


The Marimor Legacy Park includes a Butterfly Memorial Garden to honor the lives of people with developmental disabilities, family, friends, and community members who would like to purchase a butterfly.  This has attracted countless visitors and after the first year the garden added an additional three poles. The Allen County Board of Developmental Disabilities maintains the playground and garden, holding a memorial event each spring. 


Ongoing projects for the Foundation include, administering a Special Needs Fund to help people in unique situations meet a need that cannot be met by other sources.  Examples include, providing a deposit so a person can get heat turned on, purchasing much needed winter coat or a device to assist with communication. 


The Foundation was established in June 2018.  It is operated through the efforts of volunteers. 


The 2025 Board of Directors are:

Angela Herzog, President

Troy Elwer, Treasurer

Theresa Schnipke

Andrew Farley

Morgan Rigali

Anthony Simpson 


Ex Officio Members:

Bob McPheron, representative from the Allen County Board of Developmental Disabilities 

Renee Kohler, Superintendent at the Allen County Board of Developmental Disabilities

Esther Baldridge, Fundraising Volunteer


If you would like to learn more about Marimor Legacy Foundation’s current projects, please contact the Foundation at

Leave a Legacy​


A donation can be made to the Marimor Legacy Foundation here.


Or by sending a donation to:


Marimor Legacy Foundation

2500 Ada Road 

Lima, OH  45804


Planned Giving


A person can make a bequest through through a personal will, or by naming the Marimor Legacy Foundation as the beneficiary in a life insurance policy.


Tax Advantage Giving


  1. Give a gift of appreciated securities. The benefits of giving stocks and bonds include avoiding paying capital gains tax and receiving an itemized charitable income tax deduction.

  2. Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD)


Individuals age 70½ who have a traditional Individual Retirement Account (IRA) have a special opportunity to help the community by supporting the Marimor Legacy Foundation! Making a gift from your IRA, known as a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) of up to $100,000 per year, is a tax-free way to give to the causes you care about, even if you don’t itemize deductions on your tax return. 


People who hold a traditional IRA must take a Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) each year beginning at age 73 (or age 75 for those born in 1960 or later)—even if they don’t need or want the funds. The required minimum distribution increases the IRA holder’s total taxable income. Those born before 1951 are already subject to annual RMD.  


RMDs are the biggest incentive for IRA holders to make QCDs because:

  • A QCD satisfies your RMD requirement for the year and by reducing your IRA balance, a QCD may also reduce your RMD in future years and lower your taxable estate.  

  • It will lower your taxable income if you do not need the IRA funds.  This income increase could potentially push the taxpayer into a higher income tax bracket.  

  • You will avoid severe tax penalties for not taking your RMD, and

  • The money comes from pre-tax dollars.


For further information about charitable giving to the Foundation or other questions, please email us at Contact your tax advisor regarding tax advice. 

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