Tony Grumblis is a great example of what it means to be a self-advocate. His continuous positive outlook on life lends him the ability to advocate not only for himself, but for others as well. “Self-advocacy is standing up for yourself, being independent and remembering your rights,” said Tony about what self-advocacy means to him. Self-advocates not only speak out about rights, but they also recognize the responsibilities with making decisions every day.
One way Tony likes to advocate for himself and others is by being involved in projects that will benefit the community. He was a part of the campaign to raise money for the All-Ability Playgrounds, was photographed for a billboard campaign, and is always willing to be interviewed to raise awareness for people with developmental disabilities. Tony was also a Project STIR trainer where he helped others learn how to become self-advocates.
Advocacy is important to Tony for a number of reasons, one of the biggest being so that others will be educated on those with developmental disabilities. “I don’t pity myself and there’s no reason for others to feel sorry for me because I can’t walk. God has blessed me so much and I always remember this: God has a reason for everything,” said Tony.
Tony credits his ability to continuously advocate for himself and others to maintaining a positive attitude. His words of advice for those learning to advocate for themselves is this: “Life is a lot like the weather. There are days that are going to be sunny, and there are days that will be rainy, but whenever there might be rain, you have to look for sunshine.”