While all students at Marimor School shine, each year several students are spotlighted as having personally shined even brighter than before.
They are the Students of the Year.
“Students of the Year are chosen for standing out in some way, for going above and beyond,” said Peggy Cockerell, Director of Education for the Allen County Board of Developmental Disabilities. “These students have shown significant progress in some area of development, and should be rewarded for their accomplishments.”
Two such students were honored for the 2015-2016 school year: Kaylynn Ladden and Taylor Luma. Nominated by staff, these students excelled in one or more ways throughout the school year.
“Kaylynn has done an amazing job with her communication skills this year…she is very happy and has an amazing personality,” Peggy said. “She has health issues, but we hardly ever hear her complain. She makes the most of every day.”
Kaylynn was nominated by Tammy DeLong, head cook for Marimor School.
“She always has a smile for anyone who takes the time to say, ‘hi,’” Tammy said. “Kaylynn is a very sweet, smart and hilarious young lady.”
Taylor has also improved his communication skills this past year, using words to better express when he is upset, Peggy said. She and the school Behavior Support Specialist, Erin Koenig, nominated Taylor.
They both had noticed how polite Taylor was each time he would come to the school office to gather recycling as part of his job skills class, she said.
“He has been a model student,” Peggy said. “Taylor has come a long way and we are extremely proud of him.”
She added that Taylor has also excelled in his music classes, performing a piano solo at the school spring music program and singing a solo for the “Marimor has Talent” show.
“All of our students are remarkable, but it’s important to recognize and honor those who have shown extraordinary progress,” she said.
The ACBDD school age program through Marimor School provides educational services for children and youth ages six through 21, and is aligned with the Ohio Academic Extended Content Standards. Students can also receive therapy and nursing services at the school.