While passing by or stopping into our facilities it would be hard to miss the exciting renovations happening on our campus. Renovations have been prompted to ensure we are best serving the needs of our clients and our community.
Who exactly are those we serve and how will the renovations meet those needs? Marimor offers programs for both preschool and school-aged services. Our school enrollment is decreasing and the need for case management services – Services and Support Administration is increasing. With this shift we have converted three classrooms into office spaces for the SSA programs.
Our Industries programs are shifting toward assisting individuals in the community in integrated settings. Through the years, the amount of production physically happening at Marimor Industries has decreased as we are helping educate local businesses on the benefits of employing those with disabilities within their workplace. Many people who are continuing to come to Marimor Industries are interested in developing their skills, or to participate in different activities. This change has allowed us to take a look at what needs the industries program will have. After assessing their programs and clientele we have determined the renovation will provide four new activity rooms and a large lunchroom, as well as additional restrooms.
The 1983 addition to the Industries building was also slated for renovation. Plans were made to move the nurse’s clinic and three activities rooms into this building, as well as renovating bathrooms and adding a small conference room and offices. In the beginning stages of this renovation, mold was discovered in the building due to its design. That building was actually four modular units brought in and placed on a foundation. When the mold was discovered, the first thing we did was inform staff and the people we serve of the issue. Thankfully, there have been no ill health effects among those who were exposed to the mold in that building. Next it was time to analyze the cost of rectifying the mold issue and renovating compared to the cost of tearing it down and starting fresh. After careful deliberation, the Board determined the best solution was to start over with this building. While this solution costs a little more, it was the only solution which ensured the mold problem would no longer exist. The Board also did not want to invest so much capital into modular units that typically don’t have a long life expectancy. We are expecting to have the new building completed in January.
While all of these renovations are exciting, we often are asked how these renovations are being financed? The Board has two local tax levies. The larger levy is specifically for our general operations – this levy pays for staff, utilities, supplies and other items necessary to provide services to our clients. A small levy – 0.3 mill – is marked for permanent improvements. It is used solely to repair and renovate building, purchase cars, vans and buses for transportation services, and purchase furniture and computers. This levy can NOT be used for operations such as staff salaries and benefits, supplies or utilities. This permanent improvement levy revenue is paying for all the capital renovations which have been taking place on our campus.
We are excited for all these changes happening on campus and are looking forward to showing off all the hard work. For questions about the renovations or for additional information about our programs and areas we service give us a call at 419-221-1385.