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Staying Healthy During Cold and Flu Season

Flu and cold season is here again! During these next months, it is extremely important to take the extra steps necessary to keep you and your family healthy. Even if your kids don’t get sick too often, there is always the chance that they can catch something. Make sure you stay aware and take any precautions that you can to prevent you or your child from getting sick. To make sure you are prepared for cold and flu season, here are some things you can do.

Get a flu shot. Getting yourself and your family the up-to-date vaccinations that you need is the number one thing that you can do to prevent your family from getting sick. Most places begin flu vaccinations in October. Check with your family doctor to see when you can get yours scheduled.

Wash your hands. When in doubt, wash your hands. Handwashing is a great way to prevent the spread of the cold and the flu. Make sure you teach your children how to properly wash their hands with soap and water. You should wash your hands frequently throughout the day, but especially before eating and after using the restroom. Always wash your hands after being in a public place. You can also use hand sanitizer, but soap and water work best.

Avoid getting close to people who are sick. If you know someone who has a cold or the flu, try your best to avoid contact with them. You especially want to avoid physical contact with these people, such as a handshake. Make sure your children know to be careful about this as well. They should avoid close contact with other children that they are around during the day that might be sick. This is one of the easiest ways that a virus can be spread.

Get enough sleep. Sleep is very important to staying healthy. Studies have shown that good sleep leads to stronger immunity, so you are better able to fight off any viruses that may come your way. Younger children should generally get about 11-13 hours of sleep a night, school age children should get around 10-11 hours of sleep, and teens need about 8-9 hours. As an adult, you need about 7-8 hours of sleep. Try to get on a good sleeping routine so that you can stay healthy this season.

Eat healthy. Eating healthy is important at all times of the year, but it is especially important during cold and flu season. Eating a lot of fruits, vegetables, and proteins is essential to getting the vitamins and minerals that your body needs to stay strong. As with sleep, healthy foods like these help to keep your immune system strong and better able to fight off viruses. You should try to incorporate at least five servings of fruits and vegetables in your family’s daily diet.

No matter what age or health background, everyone needs to be prepared for cold and flu season. The viruses can be spread in unexpected places and by unexpected people. Take these simple, proactive steps this season to keep you and your family healthy.

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