By: Tammy Delong and Tammy Hern
We are “The Tammys” and we have one of the best jobs in the whole world. We provide breakfast and lunch to all students and staff at Marimor Industries. Even though our cafeteria is hidden in the back part of the school, some of the most amazing things happen here!
Every day starts with FUN. The kids come down when they get to school in the morning. They have a hot meal and spend time chatting with friends and teachers. It’s a secret (shhh!) that they are also learning during this time. They are learning table manners and how to be helpers, as they assist other students with trays, silverware, milk, etc. They are learning to clean up after themselves, since they have to bring their trays and silverware up to be washed. And they are are also learning how to act and react in large groups, because there’s a lot happening in the cafeteria!
Our job is more than just fun, though. We have the privilege of helping older students learn job skills. In middle school, students have the opportunity to work in the dish room. They learn how to safely work with a dishwasher, how to sort and stack dishes, how to make sure dishes are clean, and how to put away dishes in the appropriate places. During all of this, they’re building communication skills and interacting with students who bring up their trays.
After they’ve spent time in our cafeteria, some of the high school students go out in the community and work. A few of our students who started in the dish room are working at Kewpee. They love their jobs, and it’s reflected in their work.
In addition, every student has a chance to work with us serving food. They earn tickets throughout the day for various deeds – like finishing their work, helping others, or running errands. Each week, there is a drawing and students earn prizes if their tickets are picked. One prize is to work with us! Students get to help serve lunch and then eat with us. How amazing is that? Not many people can say their job is a prize! We’re not sure who likes it more, the students or us.
Working in the cafeteria is a great learning experience for all students, because they get to try a job and start thinking about what they want to do when they grow up.
We’re sure everyone thinks they have the best job ever, but we are proud to say that we definitely do!